ScriptShell: a Command Line host for Powershell/IronPython
I wanted to write about a tool project as soon as I could, because custom tooling is something that I enjoy doing. Time and my mortgage tend to enforce that these excursions can be completed in a weekend or less, so this is a simple, yet effective solution for my Windows scripting needs.
Design Goals
- Support two popular language options, Powershell and Python.
- Target the 4.0 Framework.
- Tool contains its own references, including scripting runtimes, for optimal redistribution.
- Dynamically reference custom libraries.
Use Cases
- Easily distributed unit/integration/regression testing of .NET libraries
- Generalized .NET 4.0 platform automation, who needs batch files?
- Can be set as the default binding for PS1 and PY files, or maintain your Powershell/ipy bindings and use GRIFFPS and GRIFFPY extensions.
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Usage: ScriptShell [script-file-list] [-r reference-directory-list] [-d scripts-directory-list] [-a] Options: script-file-list Run the specified script file(s) . -r reference-directory-list Look for reference assemblies in this/these location(s). -d scripts-directory-list Run scripts from the specified directory/directories. -a Automated mode. This option will not prompt for advancement. Note: Console prompts written into script files will be unaffected. When specifying script files with the -s and -d options, the specified script files or runnable directory contents must be named with the following extensions: *.py or *.griffpy for IronPython scripts *.ps1 or *.griffps for PowerShell scripts";
I wrote the first iteration of this tool out of frustration. My client was experiencing issues regarding connection stability with a back-end service. Reproducing the issue was problematic, and results varied by machine and locale. It occurred to me that it might be nice to simplify his testing environment, and that of his support staff by giving him something without a UI, that would call directly into my Model code and would always act in a consistent, predictable way, regardless of who ran it. Something similar to a unit/integration test platform might be nice, except the software requirements would be unwieldy. A Powershell script seemed like a perfect option, until I realized it singularly targeted the 2.0 framework. There were a few documented workarounds for this, but it was pretty apparent by now that I'd save time by writing up a Command Line Powershell host, targeting the 4.0 Framework, with references to my Model code.
Hosting Powershell
This was a relatively easy task, and is primarily just the tedium of tying all of the Powershell hooks to the command line. This post by Mitch Denney was particularly helpful as a starting point. Since my PSHost would need a UI, I needed to inherit PSHostUserInterface as well. This is where the hooks are set into the command line.
public class ConsolePsHostUserInterface : PSHostUserInterface { //other tedium //wire to Console public override string ReadLine() { return Console.ReadLine(); } public override System.Security.SecureString ReadLineAsSecureString() { SecureString secret = new SecureString(); ConsoleKeyInfo currentKey; while ((currentKey=Console.ReadKey(true)).Key != ConsoleKey.Enter) { if (currentKey.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace) { if (secret.Length > 0) { secret.RemoveAt(secret.Length - 1); Console.Write(currentKey.KeyChar); } } else { secret.AppendChar(currentKey.KeyChar); Console.Write("*"); } } Console.WriteLine(); secret.MakeReadOnly(); return secret; } public override void Write(string value) { Console.Write(value); } } public class ConsolePSHost : PSHost { //more boringness //insert my console UI private PSHostUserInterface _ui = new ConsolePsHostUserInterface(); public override PSHostUserInterface UI { get { return _ui; } } }
All that's left to do is to add a lazily-instantiated property for the Powershell environment, console exception handling and a nice calling convention for my application code.
public static class PowerShellRunner { private static PowerShell _pws = null; private static PowerShell PowerShell { get { if (_pws == null) { _pws = PowerShell.Create(); ConsolePSHost host = new ConsolePSHost(); _pws.Runspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(host); _pws.Runspace.Open(); } return _pws; } } public static void Run(string file) { PowerShell.AddScript(File.ReadAllText(file)); PowerShell.AddCommand("Out-Default"); try { PowerShell.Invoke(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write(e.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); } } }
So I called into something similar to this from a command line application that searches a known subdirectory of the current location for Powershell scripts and it worked like a charm. It's about now that I realize how much I don't like calling into .NET assemblies with Powershell. Cmdlets are a nice shorthand for common operations, but who can remember all of them? Here's a line of script I wrote to expand a log path with an environment variable:
$logName = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%\ScriptShell\Test1.log")
I forget how to use that crazy bracket-and-double-colon syntax every time, and I end up having to Google it or look it up in another script. Still, this accomplished what I set out to do, and I know there are plenty of Powershell lovers out there.
Hosting IronPython
It dawned on me later that not only is it easier to host the Dynamic Language Runtime, but my personal preference swings toward writing a script using Python's syntax. Here's an example of the same action as above, written in Python:
logName = Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("%USERPROFILE%\ScriptShell\Test1.log")
Here's what it took to get IronPython support:
public static class PythonRunner { private static ScriptEngine _engine = null; private static ScriptEngine ScriptEngine { get { if (_engine == null) { _engine = IronPython.Hosting.Python.CreateEngine(); _engine.Runtime.IO.SetOutput(Console.OpenStandardOutput(), Console.Out); _engine.Runtime.IO.SetErrorOutput(Console.OpenStandardOutput(), Console.Out); } return _engine; } } public static void Run(string file) { try { ScriptEngine.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(file).Execute(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.Write(e.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); } } }
...easy as a cliche. Of course, in a sense, what I have done is rewritten ipy.exe, without the interactive mode (this might be a good follow-up), but in the fist pass, the easiest way to distribute this functionality was to directly reference my Model code and pass this out as an EXE to be dropped into the install directory of my client's software. This implementation is a generalized implementation of the same concept, where any reference needed by a script is satisfied dynamically with a command line option at run-time. Developers who do not need to redistribute their scripting environment may find that ipy.exe works just fine for them, the Python scripts will look the same in either case.
I had one major hiccup with using the IronPython Runtime for this tool, and it came when I attempted to pull the application out of my Release directory and only use the references I had embedded as resources. The issue and workaround are adequately described here. The workaround involves a modification, and custom build of the runtime. Thanks to rodrigobarnes for that.
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